Audio Archive

Droege, Tom and Esther

Tom taught at Valparaiso University. He has had a long interest in how the world or medicine and the church inter-connect. Tom worked at Emory University as Associate Director of the Interfaith Health Program and later as Co-director of an organization called Interfaith Health Program.
Esther graduated from Lutheran Hospital in St. Louis in nursing. She has a masters in nursing and taught at Valparaiso. She also has a law degree.


Health and Spirituality: Part 1 – The Spiritual Dimension of Whole-Person Health

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and Spirituality: Part 2 – Discerning Spiritual Needs

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and Spirituality: Part 3 – The Faith Factor in Healing

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and Spirituality: Part 4 – Living with Chronic Illness

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and Spirituality: Part 5 – Healthy Dying

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and the Church: Part 1 – Jesus' Healing Ministry

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and the Church: Part 2 – Health Ministries in the Parish

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and the Church: Part 3 – Parish Nursing

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and the Church: Part 4 – The Use of Imagery in Health and Healing

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Health and the Church: Part 5 – Imagery Exercises for Wellness

Presenter: Droege, Tom and Esther / 1992

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

October 8, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19308 recordings in the archive | welcome