Phil was a physician. He was a graduate of Deerfield Academy, a Cum Laude graduate of Middlebury College and an honors graduate of Yale University School of Medicine. Phil died in 2007.
Lola is a retired nurse. She attended Yale University School of Medicine.
Phil had a pediatric practice on Mercer Island, Washington from 1957 until he and Lola took early retirement in 1985 to work in medical service and teaching for the next seven years in American Samoa, Zimbabwe and Pakistan, where they worked with Afghan refugees in 1989-90. Upon their return to the United States they spent another 3 years working with the Tulalip Tribes, where Lola had worked prior to going overseas, and then retired to their home on Shaw Island.
Audio Archive
Deane, Phil and Lola
Recent Additions
Vespers September 30, 1975 with Curtis Haney – Water & Baptism (Matins)
Vespers September 29, 1975 with Helmut Thielicke – Christian Joy, Phil. 4
Vespers September 28, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Helpers of Your Joy
Vespers September 27, 1975 with Leo Bustad – How Are You Fixed for Broombushes
Vespers September 26, 1975 with Robert Mortvedt – Pitching Your Tent
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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