Mary describes herself as a mother, lawyer, and life-long Lutheran who is passionate about justice and faith. Her commitment to justice led her to 15 years of service as a public defender, 5 years in El Salvador in human rights work, and many years connecting churches in the United States and ELCA companions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently, she is the Program Director of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America AMMPARO strategy to accompany migrant children and families with protection, advocacy, representation, and opportunities. This holistic, whole church response to accompany migrants encompasses work in countries of origin, transit, and destination. It involves the accompaniment of migrants in communities and the courtroom. Sanctuary work is also a part of ELCA AMMPARO.
Being a single mother, traveling, reading, enjoying the performing arts, running, yoga, supporting civil dialogue, and working for racial justice keep her busy. She is a founding member of the Zeidler Group which promotes civil dialogue between police and community members as well as in other situations of conflict. Mary is a member of the congregation she was baptized in and has been thrilled with its transformation into a multicultural congregation serving people with diverse economic backgrounds and sexual orientations.
Audio Archive
Campbell, Mary
Recent Additions
Vespers June 13, 1975 with Keith Smith – Thru Christ Triumphant over Death
Vespers June 12, 1975 with Stillwater Luther League Annette Hansen – Dream Great Dreams
Vespers June 11, 1975 with Tim Booth – Come to the Dinner!
Vespers June 9, 1975 with Roy and Faye Burnette – Mission in Ecuador
Vespers June 8, 1975 with Alvin Rogness – In Defense of Repetition
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
February 7, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome