Audio Archive

Cahalan, Kathleen

Kathleen Cahalan is professor of theology at Saint John’s University School of Theology Seminary in Collegeville, Minnesota, where she teaches introductory courses on the practice of ministry, pastoral care, and the capstone course on integration. She earned her doctorate in practical theology from the University of Chicago Divinity School, taught at Rosary College, Christian Theological Seminary, and served as the evaluation coordinator for the Religion Division of Lilly Endowment, Inc. In addition to teaching and writing, she leads a week-long visio divina retreat with The Saint John’s Bible, and leads the School for lectio divina at Saint Paul Monastery. Her most recent book, Introducing the Practice of Ministry, was published in July 2010 by Liturgical Press.


Visio Divina with The Saint John's Bible: Introduction to 'Lectio' and Visio Divina Prayer

Presenter: Cahalan, Kathleen / 2012

Visio Divina with The Saint John's Bible: Reading with Scripture in the Desert and Today

Presenter: Cahalan, Kathleen / 2012

Visio Divina with The Saint John's Bible: Lectio Divina and the Eight Thoughts

Presenter: Cahalan, Kathleen / 2012

Visio Divina with The Saint John's Bible: The Method of Sustain Lection Divina

Presenter: Cahalan, Kathleen / 2012

Visio Divina with The Saint John's Bible: Narrative Our Lives Through Scripture

Presenter: Cahalan, Kathleen / 2012

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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