Audio Archive

Bouman, Walter

Walter Bouman, was a prominent Lutheran theologian and lecturer, retired professor of systematic theology and pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
He earned a bachelor's degree and master of divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and a doctorate in theology from University of Heidelberg. In 1956, he was ordained in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and served as pastor of two LCMS congregations before joining the faculty of Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Illinois in 1963.
In 1971, Bouman began teaching systematic theology at the former Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary (ELTS), Columbus, Ohio. He became a pastor of the former American Lutheran Church (ALC) in 1977. In 1978, ELTS merged with the Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio, to create Trinity Lutheran Seminary.
He served on the Lutheran-Episcopal dialogues that led to a full-communion relationship for the ELCA and Episcopal Church. Bouman was a member of the Anglican-Lutheran International Commission, and a consultant to the Anglican-Lutheran dialogue in Canada and to the conversations between the Anglican churches of Britain and Ireland and the Scandinavian and Baltic Lutheran Churches.
He retired in 1999 but continued to teach at Trinity as professor emeritus until April 2005.
Bouman was author or co-author of 12 books, the most recent a book of reflections and prayers on the Augsburg Confession. He contributed to three encyclopedias and 10 books, including Exploring and Proclaiming the Apostles' Creed, and was the author of more than 200 journal articles, reviews, audiotapes and courses on videotape.
He passed away in August, 2005 of cancer.


Bouman, Walter

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1966 or 1967

The Lord's Supper

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

Death and Immortality

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

The Word of God: Spoken and Written

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

The Lord's Supper – Part 1 (incomplete)

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

The Lord's Supper – Part 2

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

Word of God — Revised Dynamics

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

Confession in the Baptismal Life

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

Forum: "God is Dead" Movement

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1967

Is There a Spirit World?

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1968

Death and the Gospel

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1968

Who (What) Calls the Signals In Our Lives? Matt. 12: 38-45

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1968

Jesus' Parables (Focus on the Major Steward, Publican, and Pharisee)

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1968

The Humanity-Divinity of Christ

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1970

Vespers: Theology of the Pain of God — Quotations from Kitamori

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1970

Biblical Scholarship Discussion

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1970

C.S. Lewis' '"The Great Divorce" I

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1970

C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" II

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1970

Series on Sacramental Life: Baptism

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Series on Sacramental Life: Eucharist

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Series on Sacramental Life: Prayer

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Witness in a Secular Society: Part 2

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Death, Part 1: Death in Our Culture

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Death, Part 2: Care of the Dying & the Bereaved

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Death, Part 3: The Language of Christian Hope

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Death, Part 4: Rituals of Burial

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Death, Part 5: Ethics

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Series on Romans, Part 1: Grace, Romans 1-3

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Series on Romans, Part 2: Faith–Romans 4

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Christian Experience Based on the Bible: Part 1

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Christian Experience Based on the Bible: Part 2

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Witness in a Secular Society – Part 1

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1974

Series on Romans – Part 3: Freedom – Romans 5 – 8

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Series on Romans – Part 4: Liturgy of the Body of Christ – Romans 12

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Series on Romans – Part 5: Paul and Government – Romans 13

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Secularism & Christian Witness – Part 1

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Secularism & Christian Witness – Part 2

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Secularism & Christian Witness – Part 3

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Vespers June 30, 1975 with Walter Bouman – To Be Christ’s Is to Be Vulnerable

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Vespers July 16, 1975 with Walter Bouman – The Mystery that Evokes Praise

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1975

Mark's Gospel – Part 03: Mark 3: 7 – 6:6a – Appointing Disciples & Teaching Them

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 04: Mark 6:6a – 8:2 – Sending the Disciples

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 05: Mark 8: 27 – 9: 1 – First Prediction of Suffering

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 06: Mark 9: 2-37 – Second Prediction of Suffering

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 07: Mark 9: 37 – 10: 45 – Third Prediction of Suffering

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 08: Mark 11: 1 – 12: 44 – Going to Jerusalem

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 09: Mark 14: 1 – 52 – Going to the Cross:Conspiracy, Passover, Gethsemane

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 11: Mark 16: 1 – 8 – Going to the World

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Romans 8 – Part I

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Pre-Literary Prophets: Nathan and Elijah

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Life and Worship – Part 2: Worship as Saving – Romans 3

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Life and Worship – Part 4: Worship as Societal – I Corinthians 10-11

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Life and Worship – Part 5: Worship as Serving – Romans 8

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Life and Worship – Part 6: Worship as Sacrificial – Romans 12

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Review: C.S. Lewis – Part 2: The Problem of Pain

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Review: C.S. Lewis – Part 3: Screwtape Letters

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Review: C.S. Lewis – Part 4: The Great Divorce

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Review: C.S. Lewis – Part 5: Weight of Glory

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Review: D.J. Hall: Lighten Our Darkness

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Six Sermons: "The Mystery That Evokes Praise" "To Be Christ's Is To Be Vulnerable" "Who Are the Weeds?" "Put Up With Each Other" "What Kind of God Do We Have?" "The Annunciation"

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 10: Mark 14: 53 – 15: 47 – Going to the Cross: Trial & Execution

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Romans 8 – Part 2

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Feet in the Bible

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Life and Worship – Part 1: Worship as Serious – Romans 1

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Stories & Parables

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Life and Worship – Part 3: Worship as Sacrament – Romans 6

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Review: C.S. Lewis – Part 1: Mere Christianity

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 01: Mark 1, 1-15

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Mark's Gospel – Part 02: Mark 1: 16 – 3:6 – Calling Disciples to a New Mission

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Installation of John Schramm as Director of Holden Village: Fred Norstad, Installer; Walter Bouman, Preacher

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1978

Church Renewal and the Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Women Clergy and Worker Priets? – Part 4

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Review of "Holy Masquerade"

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Music in the Bible

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Attraction of the Cults

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

C..S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" – Part 1

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

C..S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" – Part 2

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Great Divorce – Part 3

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

C..S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" – Part 4

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Four Sermons

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Confession and Forgiveness in the Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Lord's Supper and the Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Augsburg Confession: Reunion With Roman Catholics

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Prayer Services of the Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Christianity and Patriotism

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Charismatic Movement

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Evangelism in America

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Marriage Service in the Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Meaning of God: Basic Theology – Part 1

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Basic Theology – Part 2: Meaning of the Gospel

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Burial Service in the Lutheran Book of Worship: Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

The Gospel and Suffering – Part 1: I Cor. 4: 1-6:11

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

The Gospel and Suffering – Part 2: I Peter

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Prophets – Part 1: Prophet to Prosperity: Amos

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

I Corinthians – Part 1: I Cor. 1-4 – Foolishness of the Gospel

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Prophets Part II: Hosea, Prophet of Symbolic Action

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Prophets – Part 3: Prophet of the Rural Poor: Micah

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Prophets Part IV: Habakkuk, Prophet Facing Exile

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Prophets Part V: Jonah, Reform of a Reform

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Baptism and the Lutheran Book of Worship

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

I Corinthians – Part 2: I Cor. 5-7 – Sexual Morality & Christian Witness

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Part III – I Corinthians 8, 10-11, Idolatry, Eucharist, Affluence

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Part V – I Corinthians 12-14 Gifts of the Spirit & Body of Christ

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

I Corinthians – Part 6: I Cor. 15-16 – Resurrection and the Collection

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1979

Biblical Songs – Part 2: Angel's Song

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Biblical Songs – Part 3: Evil's Song

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Biblical Songs – Part 4:

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Biblical Songs – Part 5: Sufferings

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Biblical Songs – Part 6: The Lord's Prayer

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Eucharist – Part 2: Minister

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Eucharist – Part 4: Mission

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Eucharist – Part 5: Manner

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Shusaku Endo's "Silence"

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Biblical Songs – Part 1: Mary's Song

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Eucharist – Part 1: The Meaning

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Eucharist – Part 3: The Meaning

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1981

Lessons of Barmen: Part 1 – The Church as Chaplin

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Lessons of Barmen: Part 2 – The Church as Confessor

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Lessons of Barmen: Part 3 – The Church as Critic — The Church under Communism

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Lessons of Barmen: Part 5 – The Church and the Coming Kingdom of God

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Liturgy as Witness to the Kingdom: Part 1 – Jesus' Banquet

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Liturgy as Witness to the Kingdom: Part 2 – Baptism Connect Us to the Messianic Community

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Liturgy as Witness to the Kingdom: Part 3 – Jesus' Righteousness and the Messianic Song

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1984

Jesus is Risen! – Part 1: Jesus, the Risen Lord

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

Jesus is Risen! – Part 2: Jesus, the Crucified Son

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

Jesus is Risen! – Part 3: Jesus, the Messiah

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

Jesus is Risen! – Part 4: Jesus, the Forgiving Savior

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

Jesus is Risen! – Part 5: Jesus, the Liberating Redeemer

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

A Vision for the Church: Part 1 – Called

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

A Vision for the Church: Part 2 – Gathered

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

A Vision for the Church: Part 3 – Scattered

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

A Vision for the Church: Part 4 – Sent

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1990

Church, Gospel, Meal

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

How a Messianic Movement Became the Church

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Meal Makes the Church Visible

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

All Christian Ministry Derives from the Meal

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Text Study: John 16:12-15

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Trinity and the Table: Part 1 – Jesus' Resurrection and the Meaning of God

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Trinity and the Table: Part 2 – Jesus' History and the Reigning of God

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Trinity and the Table: Part 3 – Jesus' Future and the Holy Spirit

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Trinity and the Table: Part 4 – Jesus' Cross and the Meaning of the Trinity

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Trinity and the Table: Part 5 – Jesus' Presence and the Eucharistic Table

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Jesus is Risen: Theology for the Church

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Church-Growth Movement and the Gospel

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Entertainment Evangelism and the Christian Meal

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

American Revivalism and Christian Baptism

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Evangelism and the Next Generation

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Lord's Prayer and the Church's Mission

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Introduction to Theology II: Paul Tillich

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

An Introduction to Theology: From the Resurrection On

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Meal and the Gospel

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Meal and Christian Song

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

The Meal and Christian Ministry

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Introduction to Theology I: C.S. Lewis

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Bach/ Handel Hymn Festival: with Gordon Porth

Presenter: Bouman, Walter / 1995

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 7, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome