Paul is a retired pastor of the ELCIC, with roots at Holden Village since 1970. He's lived in Waterloo, ON, Canada, for longer than he's lived anywhere, and I holds dual US-Canadian citizenship. He's served campus ministries in Syracuse NY, Amherst MA and Waterloo ON, and parishes in Williamsport PA, Amherst MA and Kitchener ON, including a TV ministry. He is Emeritus Dean of the Chapel at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, and the ELCIC’s first Laureate Companion of the Worship Arts.
Audio Archive
Bosch, Paul
Passion of St. Sebasian: When Parishoners Hate Their Pastor or Pastors Hate Their Parishoners
Presenter: Bosch, Paul / 1989Christian Worship and Its Arts – Part 1: Christ and Culture: Five Models for Christian Life
Presenter: Bosch, Paul / 2006Christian Worship and Its Arts – Part 2: Christian Worship: A Working Model of the Gospel
Presenter: Bosch, Paul / 2006Christian Worship and Its Arts – Part 3: What Does the Death of Marilyn Monroe Have to Do with Christian Worship?
Presenter: Bosch, Paul / 2006Recent Additions
Vespers June 13, 1975 with Keith Smith – Thru Christ Triumphant over Death
Vespers June 12, 1975 with Stillwater Luther League Annette Hansen – Dream Great Dreams
Vespers June 11, 1975 with Tim Booth – Come to the Dinner!
Vespers June 9, 1975 with Roy and Faye Burnette – Mission in Ecuador
Vespers June 8, 1975 with Alvin Rogness – In Defense of Repetition
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
February 7, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome