Audio Archive

Lindberg, Mary

Character Profile:
Member of Lindberg family with husband Chris and two daughters;
writer for Alban Institute, Little Lutheran, ELCA, and Augsburg Fortress; ELCA Pastor; and Member of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Seattle.

Mary Lindberg grew up with a pack of siblings in the Midwest, attended college, worked as a teacher for 5 years, included 2 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer, attended seminary, edited a magazine for ELCA Division for Global Mission, got married, got ordained, studied French, had a baby, worked outside the States, became a parish pastor back in the States, adopted a baby, edited an adoption book, served 3 congregations over 10 years, wrote and wrote and writes about it all

Aurora, Illinois; Augustana College, Rock Island; Peace Corps Jamaica; Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley; Le Chambon sur Lignon, France; Cameroon; Chicago; Seattle; Holden Village!

Plot Twist:
Met a lifeguard at Camp Augustana in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin when she was 18; married him 18 years later. Got booted out of confirmation for disrupting the class; became a pastor (be careful confirmands!!).

Story Thread:
God’s love saved and sustained her.

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