Audio Archive

Dahill, Lisa

I joined the Religion faculty of California Lutheran University a year ago, after teaching worship, spirituality, ecology, Bonhoeffer, and the arts for ten years at Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, OH). I’m a translator and scholar of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a lover of Christian monastic traditions, another crazy Lutheran passionate about moving every aspect of my life – scholarship, worship, teaching, and daily life – more and more fully outdoors. I spent the season of Advent and first days of Christmas 2011 at Holden as poet-in-residence, writing a cycle of poems echoing the Great O Antiphons of Christian monasticism for an ecological age. And I brought a fabulous team of Trinity seminarians to Holden in January 2015, as part of a course on Christian neo-monasticism and innovative forms of community – including inter-species communion – alive in the world today. To overcome politically, entrepreneurially, spiritually, and relationally the vicious sad alienation from the beauty and life of creation that our economic system imposes on human beings is surely a central aspect of the Gospel today: let’s claim that! I am a lover of water in all forms: hiking in the rain, swimming in the Pacific, kayaking in the gorgeous creeks and rivers of central Ohio.

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